As an artist, I stay close to home.

I make pictures that hold the moment.
Childhood interests me; the child’s innocence and frailty; the sense that the shortest times leave the deepest impressions.

Exploring different media, formats and techniques, and using fewer strokes, lines, surfaces or elements to tell the story more efficiently is part of the process.

Central to my work is composition: the relation between motif, background, space, anti-space, and detail. I render space visible in relation to the human, the human and the space as a composition. I am interested in the body as a landscape, the human as a phenomenon and the roles that we as humans take upon ourselves.

I see the portrait as a mirror of the ground we share. I use the human as material, reducing, enlarging and diminishing it to find its final form.

I am fascinated by 


Repetition, I like to repeat motif, both the same matrix with variations in colour, bagground and in junction with other motifs.

And the same line of motifs.

Plane and line- the stringens of the line and the space and antispace.

World building - making things matter - relations between human and space-

wondrous in the smallest things -

All rights reserved

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